Skema Rangkaian Mini Preamp Circuit diagram
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mini Preamp Circuit diagram- The Preamp sensitivity and overload margin were designed to cope with most modern music programme sources like CD players, Tape recorders, iPods, Computer audio outputs, Tuners etc. The source selecting switches and input connectors are not shown and their number and arrangement are left to the constructor's choice.
To obtain a very high input overload margin, the volume control was placed at the preamp input. After a unity gain, impedance converter stage (Q1) a negative-feedback Baxandall-type Bass and Treble tone control stage was added. As this stage must provide some gain (about 5.6 times) a very low noise, "bootstrapped" two-transistors circuitry with FET-input was implemented. This stage features also excellent THD figures up to 4V RMS output and a low output impedance, necessary to drive properly the Mini-MosFet Power Amplifier, but can also be used for other purposes.
Preamp Parts:
To obtain a very high input overload margin, the volume control was placed at the preamp input. After a unity gain, impedance converter stage (Q1) a negative-feedback Baxandall-type Bass and Treble tone control stage was added. As this stage must provide some gain (about 5.6 times) a very low noise, "bootstrapped" two-transistors circuitry with FET-input was implemented. This stage features also excellent THD figures up to 4V RMS output and a low output impedance, necessary to drive properly the Mini-MosFet Power Amplifier, but can also be used for other purposes.
P1______________50K Log. Potentiometer (or 47K)
(twin concentric-spindle dual gang for stereo)
P2,P3__________100K Linear Potentiometers
(twin concentric-spindle dual gang for stereo)
R1_____________220K 1/4W Resistor
R2_____________100K 1/4W Resistor
R3_______________2K7 1/4W Resistor
R4,R5____________8K2 1/4W Resistors
R6_______________4K7 1/4W Resistor
R7,R8,R13________2K2 1/4W Resistors
R9_______________2M2 1/4W Resistor
R10,R11_________47K 1/4W Resistor
R12_____________33K 1/4W Resistor
R14____________470R 1/4W Resistor
R15_____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R16______________3K3 1/4W Resistor (See Notes)
C1,C2,C9_______470nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C3,C4___________47nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C5,C6____________6n8 63V Polyester Capacitors
C7______________10µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitor
C8,C10__________22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C11____________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor (See Notes)
Q1,Q3_________BC550C 45V 100mA Low noise High gain NPN Transistors
Q2___________2N3819 General-purpose N-Channel FET