Skema Adaptor Dengan Trafo Ct

Skema Adaptor Dengan Trafo Ct,To test the Stax "earspeakers" I want to set up a transformer based adapter.

(A basic "work notworks" test, while waiting to build or buy a dedicated amp.)

Did I understand correctly, that this adapter is made of center-tapped step-up tranformers, where the center tap is biased, as the diaphragm, to an appropriate voltage (580V for Pro, 230V for the Normal)?Skema Adaptor Dengan Trafo Ct,

If this is the case, here is my second question(s):

Can this be done with "normal" center-tapped output transformers?
I have two smallish transformers from an old ECL82 amplifier, that have say "3.5" on one side and 5000 Ohm" on the other sidez (this oen being center-tapped).
Can I expect these to withstand the bias voltage?

Could this be done with "100V line transformers" from a 100W PA amplifier?
I have two of these, and it seems like the taps are symmetric (I'll test more accurately) and function as step-ups.
These look "bulky" to me (2Kg weight and thick conductors) but again, would they stand 580V?

Thanks for any help.
I would normally "just try it and see what happens".
But in this case, even if I can keep the bias voltage low, it needs to be high enough to discourage such an approach; not ready to sacrifice those trafos, let alone the Stax-es...
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